West Bend Mutual Insurance Project SEARCH Mission:
Working collaboratively to provide necessary life skills and employment training to young adults with disabilities
Student Benefits:
Acquire competitive, transferable and marketable job skills
Gain increased independence, confidence and self-esteem
Receive individualized coaching, instruction and feedback while on the job
Develop connections to adult service agencies
What is Project SEARCH?
Project SEARCH is a one-year transition program for students with disabilities in their last year of high school. The program is targeted for students whose goal is competitive employment.
What should students expect?
Students participate in three unpaid internships to explore a variety of career paths. Their team includes family, a special education teacher, skills trainer, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation counselor and West Bend Mutual Insurance colleagues to create employment goals and offer support during this important transition.
Where is the program held?
Our program takes place at West Bend Mutual Insurance Company, where immersion in the workplace facilitates learning marketable work skills. Potential internships opportunities include office work, food and nutrition, mail room, laundry services, maintenance and grounds-keeping.